Three unsuspecting families received remarkable news on February 21st when representatives from Cadillac Area Habitat for Humanity revealed that they had been selected as the 2024 partner families.

Robb Vancil was the first to receive the news. Since 2019, Vancil has been residing in a rented basement, actively searching for a place to call his own without success. Despite his current living situation meeting his basic needs, Vancil longed for the freedom and independence of homeownership.

Cadillac Area Habitat for Humanity Executive Director Amy Gibbs noted that Vancil’s selection as a partner family was influenced by his multiple sclerosis diagnosis, which may pose challenges in the future.

Candice Tripp and her 24-year-old son, Dalton, were also overcome with emotion upon learning they had been chosen for a new home. Having recently returned to Northern Michigan from South Carolina, Tripp emphasized the security and stability this opportunity would provide for their family.

Bethany Miller was taken completely by surprise when Habitat for Humanity volunteers revealed that she had been selected for a new home. As a single mother sharing a home with a roommate, Miller never imagined Habitat for Humanity would be an option for her. Nevertheless, she decided to apply, hopeful but unsure of the outcome.

While the families were initially tricked to ensure a surprise reveal, Gibbs expressed excitement for the journey ahead. The three homes, set to be built in or near Cadillac, will offer the families stability, security, and the opportunity to fulfill their dream of homeownership.

Throughout the partnership, the families will engage in various Habitat-related activities, including classes, sweat equity hours, and construction tasks. Gibbs emphasized that Habitat for Humanity’s homeownership program is designed to provide a hand-up, not a handout, empowering families to build a better future.

With a goal of building over 30 homes in the Wexford, Missaukee, and Osceola region by 2028, Cadillac Area Habitat for Humanity remains committed to making homeownership dreams a reality for deserving families.

Volunteers are always welcome to lend a hand, and those seeking assistance can reach out by phone at 231-775-7561 ext 101 or sign up at